Jennifer Dale

Way too many inventors believe that all you need is a great idea and the world will beat a path to their door. Didn’t they ever hear the famous Thomas Edison quote, ” Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration”? It is called product development for a reason. You must Develop the product. 

The most successful product developers are big companies like Procter and Gamble or Black and Decker. They put together a team of experts to work on a project. Designers, engineers, prototypers, marketing, but do you know who they consider the most important element? Market Research. The Voice Of the Consumer or Customer, what they call the VOC. They use that information to develop a product that their demographic will buy. 

Jennifer Dale of is a market research junky. She is addicted to finding answers to questions that most other people would never even think to ask. As a practicing researchaholic myself, I found this woman to be a fountain of knowledge with incredible focus.          

She will show you how to define your demographic, conduct a number of different information gathering-techniques, use that information to create a profile or define additional issues that need to be addressed, the difference between quantitative and qualitative analysis, etc., etc.. What you will learn in one afternoon will astound you but it doesn’t stop there. Through her website she can help you do it yourself or do the research for you.

One of the most important things any professional and inventor needs to do is evolve with their field of expertise. Ms. Dale has done so with a vengeance. She worked with Amy Yoffie at Research Connections to develop two of the first web-based online platforms for conducting surveys and focus groups. Jennifer also co-authored Qual-Online, the Essential Guide and published innumerable articles regarding the subject. 

If you ever watched Shark Tank you know that the make or break question always is, What are your sales? You can’t have sales without product but doing even a short run is costly. I know or know of a lot of inventors who really believed in their invention and now have a garage full of product with very little sales. 

Nicholas Tamborello

Professional Help

Every inventor that I know, at some point, needs Professional Help. No, I don’t mean that they have mental complications. Even if you are handy and can do your own prototypes or CAD drawings, there comes a time when you may need an engineer to work out some technical issues or need “real” machinery to accomplish your vision.

Nicholas Tamborello just might be your guy. He started out working for a machine shop in high school. Then worked his way up to a CNC machinist / programmer. He went on to get his mechanical engineering degree. This lead to various jobs including production engineering.

In 2019, he opened his own company IntelliTrace Solutions  and started working with inventors / entrepreneurs. Then things got really interesting. Some may just need some design for manufacturability or a 3D printed prototype. Some may have an idea of what they want it to do but haven’t a clue as to how to even get started.

Nicholas is very customer orientated. He tries to build a relationship by educating his clients. I spent some serious time on the phone with him and I was impressed by his knowledge as well as his experience but I was equally impressed with his interest in inventors.

I believe you will be impressed as well which is why I decided to start the year off by bringing him in as a speaker. You will learn how to plan a project from start to finish, what to watch out for, and so much more.

2021 was a tough year for everyone and I’ve seen so many people lose their motivation. We need to jump start that motivation. We need to adopt a Can Do Attitude for 2022. 

Ronald Brown

Patent Searching Made Easy

The easiest way to do a patent search … is to hire Patent Search International (PSI) to do it for you. At $250.00, including a patentability opinion by a patent attorney and a FREE Trademark search, it doesn’t pay to do it yourself. 

Of course, there is always a catch. The quality of the search will depend on how well you answer the questioner. On the other hand, even if you made a weak disclosure, you can use this search to expand your own search.     

Ronald Brown founded PSI  in 1974 and mainly worked for attorneys and businesses. In 1985, he expanded his clientele to independent inventors. He felt, that the inventors were getting cheated because the attorneys would mark up his work by $800.00 to over $1000.00. He also worked with his state attorney offices to put Invention Promotion Companies out of business because he cares about independent inventors.

He will go over how to do a patent search as well as what a good search entails. He will also share some of the tricks of the trade that he learned along the way. This will make a good primer if you want to do your own search.

However, most inventors that I know, Hate patent searching with a vengeance. Consequently, do a horrible job or spend an hour or two and are convinced that there is nothing out there like their invention. This could turn out to be a costly mistake because the examiner Will find something and every time they do, your attorney will have to answer the rejection. The more they find, the more it will cost you.

Worst case scenario, PSI does your search and finds your invention is unpatentable. You can decide to move on to something else without incurring all the cost of prosecution or use their search to expand your own to learn more about the art. This is how the patent system is suppose to work. By learning from other patents, you may just find that gold nugget that inspires that ah-ha moment that will bring you to commercial success.


Randy Landreneau

The Truth !

Randy Landreneau is probably the most knowledgeable person I know when it comes to patent legislation. He has been on the front lines since 2011 fighting for the rights of Independent Inventors. In 2013 he teamed up with Paul Morinville walking the halls of congress and visiting representatives locally to build support for their efforts.

For those of you who don’t know, back in 1790 our country was the first to give strong property rights directly to the Independent Inventor. Right from the beginning, huge strides in technology were made along with massive commercial successes. Willful Infringement was punished by Triple to Quintuple Damages which means 3 to 5 time the gross revenues made on the product. 

On September 16, 2011, with a simple stroke of a pen, former President Obama destroyed all of our rights. Now Willful Infringement only requires a Reasonable Royalty. We lost Injunctive Relief, so we can’t even stop the infringer from infringing. The PTAB was suppose to be an inexpensive way to bring infringers to justice but now is just another tool for the infringer to invalidate our patents. 

On there are dozens of videos of successful inventors with major inventions that have had their lives destroyed by the America Invents Act (AIA). There are also petitions and other proactive ways that you can help the cause.

Randy will regale us with the efforts of US Inventor. Telling us stories of down trodden inventors but also how the organization helped them to get some of their rights back. He will also talk about legal strategies that actually work. 

All in all, his message should give us hope that the future will be brighter and our rights may be restored. That we can help take charge of our destiny and bring back the glory days of the Independent Inventor.


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Kedma Ough

Out of the Box Funding 

Hosted by the Inventors Society of South Florida a 501 C (3) non-profit organization.

3 Benefits

  1. Learn how to scale your idea to market for under $ 1,000
  2. Discover where the hidden grants and resources are for inventors
  3. Find out about a new TV show that allows inventors to raise money

7 Reasons to Learn Directly from Kedma Ough

  1. Kedma Ough, MBA is one of today’s most respect authorities on alternative funding for inventors and small businesses
  2. She has advised more than 10,000 inventors and businesses to date.
  3. Prior credentials include her position as the Innovation State Director for the Oregon Small Business Development Centers
  4. Former board member with the United Inventors Association, Ough works tirelessly on behalf of inventors nationally.
  5. She is an SBA Champion awarded for her efforts with SBIR/STTR
  6. Currently she is a contributing writer for Entrepreneur
  7. Her best-selling book Target Funding through McGraw-Hill helps inventors and entrepreneurs find the necessary grants, funds, and resources to scale their innovative ideas and reach their dreams.

To learn more about our speaker visit

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Don Debelak

Successful Inventor Stories

Don Debelak knows more about inventing than just about anyone I know. He writes articles on every facet of the subject including marketing, development, research, you name it. He is even a patent agent so he can answer questions related to patent procedures. So picking a topic for his presentation was not going to be easy. 

He suggested, Inventors Who Made It Big (How You Can Duplicate Their Success) and I said WOW !!! When I saw the slides I knew this is going to be fantastic. 

The USPTO tells us that 97% of all issued patents never make back the money spent on their development. That means only 3% are doing something right and I want to know what they are doing that I’m not doing so I can start doing something right. Don’t you?  

The inventions that he picked to be in the presentation cover a variety market agendas from sports to cleaning products, consumer goods to music software. So you will be able to identify with the issues these inventors faced.

He will then bring it all home by pointing out specific areas of research and development such as;

  • The importance of Trade shows, magazines and organizations.
  • Early research marketing and production
  • Key attitudes you Must have to succeed
  • Quick start tactics
  • Where to find help

If you have any desire to get a product to market, you cannot miss this presentation. It will give you the foundation from which your creativity can flourish.


Adam Bell

DIY Patents


Adam Bell is a brilliant patent attorney (I’ve read some of his patents), an exceptional instructor (he along with  patent paralegal Crystal L. Susa created a system to teach paralegals about Intellectual Property, IP), runs an incredible IP Law Firm , and … he has a heart. 

After turning away hundreds of independent inventors who just could not afford to hire an attorney, he put together a program whereby a patent professional could help them write their own patent, at a greatly reduced cost, but more about that later.

Adam strongly believes that inventors should be able to draft their own patent applications with little or no attorney cost. He will be giving us a roadmap of how to draft a patent application, common mistakes to avoid, what fees you should expect and how long the patent process will take. Importantly he will tell us how to determine if what you have is even patentable.  This is not going to be the usual cursory overview. This is the real deal with information you can use.

Every inventor needs a very strong understanding of the patent system and needs to develop their products with this in mind. Sometimes, a little nudge one way or the other can make a huge difference in the strength of the Intellectual Property you can own.

The disruptiveness and commercial value of an invention determines the cost of its IP. Only a fool would cut corners on something like that, especially, in the present climate where our rights are in question. However, most inventions are smaller improvements and it might be wiser to limit the IP budget.

This is where his other program comes in . There you can get an IP Professional to help to write your own patent. There are two different price classes and they both are reasonable.  

No matter which way you choose to go, the first step is to get off your bum and get to work.  

Shari Nomady and Yvette Brown

Selling To Stores 

Before you can sell to consumers at retail you have to sell your product to the retailer. You have to convince them to take your product, that they know it will sell well, and that it’s worth giving your product a chance to sit on their valuable shelf space. In business, nobody likes to gamble! Fortunately, there are tools and methods that you can use to create a compelling proposal and we have not one … not two … but three experts in the field, who have each created new industry standards, to help you.  

Shari Nomady and Yvette Brown met while working for a large corporate marketing agency. They soon realized that their personalities complimented each other and not so much the company that they worked for. So they decided to start their own company Xpromos in 1989. Here is a link to their website . 

As with any startup, they struggled through a number of difficulties but got their big break from a former colleague who just took a job at Mattel. They came up with a brilliant strategy that actually changed the industry. There is a lot more to that story but I’ll let them expound upon it.

I’ll just say that promotion is an art and these ladies have perfected it into a science. From there they went on to produce similar results for other major corporate clients like Makita Tools, Glidden Paint, Sony, Slinky, and Virgin Atlantic to name a few. Hearing their war stories will enlighten you and possibly inspire you to develop some campaigns for your products.

Oh, remember that colleague I mentioned. When she left the company she went a different route.

Cathy Parks created an entirely new customer category for Barbie, who was already a household name, and drove sales from multi millions into the Billions. Her expertise comes from a unique blend of product development, marketing skills and sales prowess that puts her in a category of her own. It is from these experiences that she developed the 5 step Parks Method.  

The three are back together again and have developed an intensive program specifically for inventors to teach them How To Sell To Stores. They will be giving us a preview of that program.

Judy and Bill Edwards

Holy Poo !


You Won’t Believe This!


I have been writing about this invention since the days of our monthly newsletter because it embodies and the story behind it shows how to create the perfect invention. First, it fills a long felt need with a simple inexpensive solution based on a ton of research.


Judy and Bill Edwards are going to tell us the story behind how Squatty Potty, a simple little stool, went from a way to help with Mom’s elimination issues to a Multi Million Dollar product.


Back in 2010, Judy was having problems with constipation and hemorrhoids. She consulted a therapist who suggested that she try using a step stool to imitate a squatting position. Subsequent research uncovered that people in the Middle East who still use the squatting method as they did for centuries have very little to no bowl issues. Colon cancer is almost unheard of.


Unfortunately, Judy tried everything from piles of books to various stools and couldn’t find anything that worked with our western toilets. So her son, Bobby, a successful designer and contractor, started making prototypes in the family garage. Finally, he came up with a design that worked.


They started giving them to fiends and family as Christmas gifts, who found them very useful. Then the family got serious. They developed a name, a sales pitch, a website, got a patent, and 2000 units from China. As you might expect, they were met with skepticism. Undaunted, Bobby started sending them out for FREE to Doctors, health bloggers and other people with influence. The company grossed over a Million Dollars in their first year.


Doctor Oz had them on his show. Howard Stern, became a fan. Then they hit a wall and sales started to fall. That is when, after 2 tries, they got on Shark Tank and the product exploded into a Ship Load of associated products, which you can buy here


As you all know, the devil is in the details. The family’s bathroom humor is definitely part of the charm and success of the product. They even put out a commercial with a Unicorn that poops rainbow colored ice cream. This is your opportunity to meet the folks and learn how you can adapt their methods to your projects.

Choon Ng

Champions Of The Rainbow Loom

I’ll bet Choon Ng had no idea of how his life would change as he watched his two daughters making bracelets out of multi-colored ponytail rubber bands. He later devised a loom like gizmo that made the task easier and him a “Cool Dad”. All his daughter’s friends wanted him to make them bracelets and he must have thought, hey, I’m on to something here.

Of course, it took a lot of hard work, perseverance, faith, and forethought but in a relatively short period of time he was making Millions. He even won the 2014 Toy of the Year Award and as should be expected, no great invention goes unpunished. Infringers started crawling out of the woodwork. 

That is where our speakers come in. They had the forethought and knowledge to develop the powerful Intellectual Property rights that would defeat those infringers. 

Theodore Olds and John Siraguse of the law firm Carlson, Gaskey, and Olds are going to discuss how their team stopped the flood of infringers infiltrating the US, European   and Asian markets. They will share the strategies that worked as well as those that didn’t.

What sets their firm apart from others is best said in Mr. Olds own words, “I recognize that Intellectual Property is a tool to achieve a business’s goals. To that end I work to tailor my firm’s service to the needs of the client. But it is as important to recognize the client’s goals for the particular matter.

My father was a builder—he would not take out a Sawzall® to cut a 2 by 4. By the same token a lawyer should interact with the client to get to the right sized approach. I like to believe I am a lawyer that can think like a business person, and convey advice as one.” I fully concur.

When push came to shove, it was their proactive work that saved the day for Rainbow Loom. As a matter of fact, they developed strategies in the early days of the America Invents Act (AIA) that provided protection for a number of their clients faced with Inter Partes Reviews which invalidated thousands of patents. 

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