The Future Of IP
Gene Quinn is without a doubt the most knowledgeable person on the planet when it comes to Intellectual Property (IP) in the US. His blog is a treasure trove of the latest cases, new legislation, guest authors, unbelievable interviews, etc.. Some are intense, as you would expect considering the subject matter but most are very informative and easily understood without a law degree.
He is also running some incredible webinars in conjunction with LexisNexis on their software for patent practitioners. There are many types of Utility Patents. Some sub categories have a higher pass rate but may weaken the patent while others are very difficult to pass but make for a stronger patent. The software helps them determine which sub class they are trying to get in and how to write the claims to do so.
I know, most amateur inventors say, ‘I don’t deal with any of that stuff, that’s why I hired a patent attorney. Let them worry about all that’ and that is precisely why professionals in the industry consider us Dreamers. I’m not saying this to insult anyone. I am merely stating fact. Even some professional inventors have that attitude but that is a BIG Mistake.
With mostly minor alterations, our patent system remained basically in tacked since Thomas Jefferson brought in his shoe boxes from home to act as a filing system for Prior Art. Then on September 16th, 2011 at exactly 11:42 am President Obama signed the America Invents Act (AIA) into law and All Holy HELL Broke Loose !!!
Punitive Damages for willful infringement virtually vanished, and so did most infringement verdicts. Why should a company license an invention when even if the inventor could spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to defend their patent, the company would only have to pay them possibly less than what they would have to license it in the first place?
Injunctive Relief which is the Right of the Inventor to exclude others from making, using, selling or importing the claimed invention is right out the door in the U.S. The PTAB, which we were told was supposed to be an inexpensive way to bring infringers to justice became a Death Squad allowing infringers to invalidate issued patents by the thousands. It became too easy for big corporations to steal patent rights rather than make a deal.
We, as inventors, cannot ignore what’s going on. This is our livelihoods, our future, our Constitutional Rights that we are talking about here! If for no other reason, we need to know where we stand so we can make rational business decisions related to our inventions.
Gene Quinn is The Man who can answer any question you may have related to this topic. He is on the forefront, following all the case law, the court decisions, PTAB hearings. He has interviewed all of the key players including the Trump appointed Director of the USPTO Andrei Iancu who has been working diligently to right the wrongs caused by the AIA.
Considering the recent election results, Who Knows, what the Future will bring?
Gene Quinn … That’s who, and he will be sharing his thoughts with us on 12/12/20 at 1:00 pm EST. You cannot afford to miss this presentation hosted by the Inventors Society of South Florida, a 501 (C) 3 non-profit educational organization.
No recording will be made. You must register then follow the instructions in the return emails from Zoom.
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